18 research outputs found

    Covariant Conversions (CoCo): A Design Pattern for Type-Safe Modular Software Evolution in Object-Oriented Systems

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    Software evolution is an essential challenge for all software engineers, typically addressed solely using code versioning systems and language-specific code analysis tools. Most versioning systems view the evolution of a system as a directed acyclic graph of steps, with independent branches that could be merged. What these systems fail to provide is the ability to ensure stable APIs or that each subsequent evolution represents a cohesive extension yielding a valid system. Modular software evolution ensures that APIs remain stable, which is achieved by ensuring that only additional methods, fields, and data types are added, while treating existing modules through blackbox interfaces. Even with these restrictions, it must be possible to add new variations, fields, and methods without extensive duplication of prior module code. In contrast to most literature, our focus is on ensuring modular software evolution using mainstream object-oriented programming languages, instead of resorting to novel language extensions. We present a novel CoCo design pattern that supports type-safe covariantly overridden convert methods to transform earlier data type instances into their newest evolutionary representation to access operations that had been added later. CoCo supports both binary methods and producer methods. We validate and contrast our approach using a well-known compiler construction case study that other researchers have also investigated for modular evolution. Our resulting implementation relies on less boilerplate code, is completely type-safe, and allows clients to use normal object-oriented calling conventions. We also compare CoCo with existing approaches to the Expression Problem. We conclude by discussing how CoCo could change the direction of currently proposed Java language extensions to support closed-world assumptions about data types, as borrowed from functional programming

    A type-theoretic framework for software component synthesis

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    A language-agnostic approach for type-based component-oriented software synthesis is developed from the fundamental principles of abstract algebra and Combinatory Logic. It relies on an enumerative type inhabitation algorithm for Finite Combinatory Logic with Intersection Types (FCL) and a universal algebraic construction to translate terms of Combinatory Logic into any given target language. New insights are gained on the combination of semantic domains of discourse with intersection types. Long standing gaps in the algorithmic understanding of the type inhabitation question of FCL are closed. A practical implementation is developed and its applications by the author and other researchers are discussed. They include, but are not limited to, vast improvements in the context of synthesis of software product line members. An interactive theorem prover, Coq, is used to formalize and check all the theoretical results. This makes them more reusable for other developments and enhances confidence in their correctness.Es wird ein sprachunabhängiger Ansatz für die typbasierte und komponentenorientierte Synthese von Software entwickelt. Hierzu werden grundlegende Erkenntnisse über abstrakte Algebra und kombinatorische Logik verwendet. Der Ansatz beruht auf dem enumerativen Typinhabitationsproblem der endlichen kombinatorischen Logik mit Intersektionstypen, sowie einer universellen algebraischen Konstruktion, um Ergebnisterme in jede beliebe Zielsprache übersetzen zu können. Es werden neue Einblicke gewonnen, wie verschiedene semantische Domänen des Diskurses über Softwareeigenschaften miteinander verbunden werden können. Offene Fragestellungen im Zusammenhand mit der Algorithmik des Typinhabitationsproblems für Intersektionstypen werden beantwortet. Eine praktische Implementierung des Ansatzes wird entwickelt und ihre bisherigen Anwendungen durch den Autor und andere Wissenschaftler werden diskutiert. Diese beinhalten starke Verbesserungen im Zusammenhang mit der Synthese von Ausprägungen von Software Produktlinien. Ein interaktiver Theorembeweiser wir genutzt, um alle Ergebnisse der Arbeit zu formalisieren und mechanisch zu überprüfen. Dies trägt zum einen zur Wiederverwendbarkeit der theoretischen Ergebnisse in anderen Kontexten bei, und erhöht zum andern das Vertrauen in ihre Korrektheit

    Mixin Composition Synthesis based on Intersection Types

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    We present a method for synthesizing compositions of mixins using type inhabitation in intersection types. First, recursively defined classes and mixins, which are functions over classes, are expressed as terms in a lambda calculus with records. Intersection types with records and record-merge are used to assign meaningful types to these terms without resorting to recursive types. Second, typed terms are translated to a repository of typed combinators. We show a relation between record types with record-merge and intersection types with constructors. This relation is used to prove soundness and partial completeness of the translation with respect to mixin composition synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a translated repository and goal type can be used as input to an existing framework for composition synthesis in bounded combinatory logic via type inhabitation. The computed result is a class typed by the goal type and generated by a mixin composition applied to an existing class

    Mixin Composition Synthesis Based on Intersection Types

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    We present a method for synthesizing compositions of mixins using type inhabitation in intersection types. First, recursively defined classes and mixins, which are functions over classes, are expressed as terms in a lambda calculus with records. Intersection types with records and record-merge are used to assign meaningful types to these terms without resorting to recursive types. Second, typed terms are translated to a repository of typed combinators. We show a relation between record types with record-merge and intersection types with constructors. This relation is used to prove soundness and partial completeness of the translation with respect to mixin composition synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a translated repository and goal type can be used as input to an existing framework for composition synthesis in bounded combinatory logic via type inhabitation. The computed result corresponds to a mixin composition typed by the goal type

    Automatic Building of a Repository for Component-based Synthesis of Warehouse Simulation Models

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    Simulations are a common tool in the warehouse planning and adoption process for evaluating and comparing variants of a storage system. But simulation modeling is a complex and time-consuming task. Due to limited resources, often not all possible system variants can be modeled. A promising solution is the migration of an existing simulation model to enable component-based software synthesis. An inhabitation algorithm composes structural variants according to a synthesis goal given a repository of typed components. In this paper, we automatically generate a repository and synthesize simulation model variants using a block stacking warehouse simulation model as an example


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    Im Wintersemester 2011/2012 hat am Lehrstuhl 7 (Graphische Systeme) der Fakultät Informatik der TU Dortmund in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Spanende Fertigung die Projektgruppe ChipSim, mit der Aufgabe, ein Simulations- und Visualisierungssystem zu entwerfen und zu implementieren, um die Spanbildung untersuchen zu können, begonnen. Das entwickelte System soll plastoelastische Objektinteraktionen realistisch darstellen. Dabei ist es notwendig, dass die Kinematik der simulierten Objekte durch bestimmte externe und interne physikalische Kräfte sowie durch Kollisionen von Schneide und Werkstück beeinflusst wird. Als externe Kraft kann z.B. die Gravitationskraft, als interne Kräfte bzw. Eigenschaften z.B. der Druck und die Viskosität berücksichtigt werden